Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"How To..." QR CODES

By now you've probably seen them often enough to know what they are. They're funky little square versions of bar codes that look like abstract art and contain direct links to websites or business card info.

But, do you know how to use them?

Well, first you need an app for your mobile device and you can get one for free. There are lots to choose from. I'm listing Red Laser because you don't have to also take a camera picture, you can just center and scan.

for iTunes, iPad - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/redlaser-barcode-scanner-shopping/id474902001?mt=8

for Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ebay.redlaser&hl=en

Go to the link and download the app to your device.

Now to test. How about the one that leads to my website. Simply center the QR code in between the bars and it should pick it up and take you to VictoriaDanann.com.

Now, if you're sitting in traffic behind a truck that offers a service you want, you can simply grab the code with your phone. Welcome to life in the early 21st century.

My best,

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